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Your good friends at Puppet Friends Forever (puppets and humans alike) bring a lifetime of passion for puppetry and close to 20 years of performance experience. 

The programs are 30-40 minutes long and include a puppet show, hands-on learning activities and games.

Superhero Brush

Join Happy Tooth and Sad Tooth on an adventure where you’ll learn all about the importance of taking care of your teeth and cavity prevention

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My Healthy Body

Explains to children about the importance of healthy eating habits and the benefit of staying active.

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Teaches children about personal responsibility, personal safety, road and park safety.

What a great way to start the year with our Safetyland puppet show.jpg

The Magical Painting

Frida Khalo, Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso . . . just some of the world’s greatest artists who were masters of colors and shapes. Learn all about them and other artists  in this magical and artistic adventure.


Earth and I

Planet Earth is our one and only home, but it needs our help! Learn how you can help keep our planet healthy and clean by Reusing, Reducing, and Recycling.


Around the World

Travel the world on this exciting and playful show that introduces the many countries, languages, animals, and music that are part of our diverse world.


The Friendship Flower

 Learn about the power of kindness, respect, and friendship in this story where we'll learn how  to be the best version of ourselves. 

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Festive Winter

Did you know that people all over the world celebrate the winter holidays? For some it's Christmas and for others it’s Hanukkah, but there’s also many more! Learn all about these winter holidays in this chilly and festive show.

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Contact: (650) 933-8872

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